March Cabinet Meeting
27-D1 Affiliate District Lioness Report

Lioness Greetings!

We are maintaining the twelve remaining Lioness Clubs in our district. Our count as of February 28th was 387 Lioness. All but one club is represented at this District Convention. We also are trying to grow and appreciate the public relations the district is doing to promote the growth.

At the Opening Ceremony we hope you enjoy our sponsored speaker Esther Rannow (aka The Hat Lady). And right after the Opening Ceremony we will be presenting a deserving Lioness the district-wide Knight of Sight Award. The committee had a hard time choosing who the recipient is and has successfully kept it a secret.

We do have a full slate of officers to be elected at our meeting tomorrow: Cobb Lioness/PADP Carol Aultman for ADP, Cottage Grove Lioness/Diabetes Chair Amy Paulson for Vice President, and Stoughton Lioness/Secretary Marcia Seybold for Secretary.

Please include me in any of your district and club news so I can share your information with other Lioness; my email address is; telephone at (608) 223-6555.

Our next scheduled Cabinet meeting will be April 10th, and possibly another one in June. We meet at 9:30 a.m. at the State Bank of Cross Plains in Mt. Horeb and would welcome any of you as guests.

This is my last report as an ADP to the Cabinet. I have enjoyed an easy working environment with both IPDG John Jenson and DG Rick Daluge. On behalf of all the Lioness in our district I thank the Lions of 27-D1 for their support as "We Serve Too."

Respectfully submitted by ADP Julie Baglama

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